midnight's simulacra


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please, please send corrections to nickblack@linux.com

Page numbers refer to the printed version being fixed (I have managed to avoid any pagination changes, thankfully). Such changes almost always affect both the printed and electronic book, as the latter is based on the former. Changes marked "ebook" affect the electronic book only, and are almost always presentation issues (usually I missed converting some chunk of LaTeX to HTML). I'll have you know that the ebook was a tremendous pain in the ass, and I prepared it only reluctantly. Whenever I release a new version, I upload it to Amazon across all three formats, and it is usually updated within about eight hours. I upload the new PDF and EPUB to my site, where they are available immediately. IngramSpark doesn't allow me to upload revisions, and (unfortunately) most bookstores go through them.

not yet released

  1. p. 31: this chronology is either screwed up or sufficiently confusing as to be undecidable. simplify, man!
  2. p. 88: add explainers for MMPI-2, NEO PI-R, 16PF, and BFI

1.1.6 (2025-02-28)

  1. p. 1: correct blood meridian quote lol i suck
  2. p. 4: kill extra quotation mark
  3. p. 20: A Portrait of the Artist, not The Portrait, ugh ugh ugh
  4. p. 58: "hold onto the small" → "hold on to the small"
  5. p. 94: "aeronautical" → "aerospace"
  6. p. 166: "Saturday morning" → "Saturday evening"
  7. p. 215: "practitioner" → "adherent", just straight up the wrong word there
  8. p. 217: capitalize "Chih"
  9. p. 321: "Anarbek" → "My boy". compartmentalization! opsec!
  10. p. 322: unify tense throughout
  11. p. 345: move Stepnoj orel note to p. 346
  12. p. 373: "along side" → "alongside" (confirmed with Garner 5th)
  13. p. 418: remove "relative"
  14. p. 430: Finnegan'sFinnegans. i am eight =\ Fine feelplay we had of it mid the kissabetts frisking in the kool kurkle dusk of the lushiness. (thank you Steven Moore!)
  15. p. 444: "W- boson" needed \textsuperscript*{-} not mere \textsuperscript{-}, dumbass
  16. (various) a tonne is a metric ton is a megagram. a metric tonne does not exist.
  17. ebook: fixed an XHTML error in the notes file that caused every popup to show aside epub:type="footnote" id="1muslims". fan-fucking-tastc!

1.1.5 (2024-10-23)

  1. p. 129: use past tense throughout section
  2. p. 163: both not → not both (thank you inverness!)
  3. p. 163: add missing ² in summation (thank you inverness!)
  4. p. 180: add missing opening quote (thank you inverness!)
  5. p. 181: "as has the UN" (the United Nations is a singular entity)
  6. p. 193: HIDTA explainer ought be on p. 194 (thank you inverness!)
  7. p. 208: insert "be" in "turned out to MDMA" (thank you Phillip Wharton!)
  8. p. 218: remove "the" from "last of the his wares" (thank you Phillip Wharton!)
  9. p. 234: "Modiglani" → "Modigliani", how did that happen? (thank you inverness!)
  10. p. 258: "endear him to Chelsea." period ought be a comma (thank you inverness!)
  11. p. 275: "helps keeps" → "helps keep" (thank you Phillip Wharton!)
  12. p. 281: "surprised you weren't already" → "hadn't already" (thank you Phillip Wharton!)
  13. p. 291: remove "orange"; 502.73nm light remains green (thank you inverness!)
  14. p. 316: "and such schemes" → "any such schemes" (thank you Phillip Wharton!)
  15. p. 338: "your see us cutting" → "you see us cutting" (thank you Phillip Wharton!)
  16. p. 341: "van der Walls" → "van der Waals", ugh (thank you Phillip Wharton!)
  17. p. 435: "PVC" → "PCV", add explainer for Primary Containment Vessel (thank you Gary Yngve!)
  18. ebook chapter 24: remove backslashes in monospace sections (LaTeX residue)

1.1.4 (2024-08-23)

  1. p. 67: "repelling" → "rappelling" (thank you Gary Yngve!)
  2. p. 107: naptha is nonpolar solvent, not deprotonation; fix (thank you u/LeiaCaldarian!)
  3. ebook chapter 13: convert equation image to unicode
  4. ebook chapter 15: correct swapped notes for GRAS and omakase (thank you u/LeiaCaldarian!)
  5. ebook chapter 26: convert equation image to unicode

1.1.3 (2024-08-02)

  1. p. 93: remove "the" from "perplexed by the his fellow" (thank you Phillip Wharton!)
  2. p. 104: one flies west from Delhi to New York, not east (thank you Phillip Wharton!)
  3. p. 130: "withdraw" → "withdrawal", erp (thank you Phillip Wharton!)
  4. p. 131: insert "was" into "it by no means impossible" (thank you Phillip Wharton!)
  5. p. 157: "we will" → "it will be" (thank you Phillip Wharton!)
  6. p. 173: "It intended" → "he intends" (clearer)
  7. p. 183: "botony" → "botany", christ (thank you Phillip Wharton!)
  8. p. 196: add missing em dash following "crystallography"
  9. p. 221: Land of Ten Thousand Lakes, not Land of the Thousand Lakes (the latter is Finland)
  10. p. 302: swap "to runs"
  11. p. 436: "robitnikom" → "robitnykom" (thank you Bohdan Trach!)
  12. ebook chapter 3: use U+2212 MINUS SIGN (−) instead of U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS (-); fixes spacing
  13. ebook chapter 4: start ordered list with 0 to match printed book
  14. ebook: replace several instances of "--" with U+2013 EN DASH ("–")
  15. ebook chapter 9: convert stray LaTeXisms to HTML

1.1.2 (2024-06-29)

  1. p. 23: use U+2135 ℵ ALEF SYMBOL instead of U+05D0 HEBREW LETTER ALEF, as is correct in math context. this eliminates right-to-left misorderings on some ereaders.
  2. p. 178: remove "can"
  3. ebook chapter 9: eliminate stray dinkus in last email
  4. ebook chapter 12: remove comment lines that made it into text
  5. ebook chapter 12: convert stray LaTeXisms to Unicode

1.1.1 (2024-03-15)

  1. p. 147: "underdone" → "undertone"
  2. p. 189: "either...and" → "either...or"
  3. p. 310: "neither...neither" → "neither...nor"
  4. p. 323: kill 'a' in "covered with a hash toppers"

1.1.0—first ebook release (2024-02-22)

  1. p. 63: "bypany" → "bypassing any"
  2. p. 153: comma should be period following "in years"
  3. p. 344: "cholorphyll" → "chlorophyll"

1.0.8 (2024-02-18)

  1. p. 340: "daugher" → "daughter"
  2. p. 348: "potassum" → "potassium"
  3. p. 354: "futher" → "further"
  4. p. 354: "flouresced" → "fluoresced"
  5. p. 356: "Northtrop" → "Northrop"
  6. p. 360: "triboluminesent" → "triboluminescent"
  7. p. 406: "was an" → "attracted"

1.0.7 (2024-02-11)

  1. p. 66: "simulatenously" → "simultaneously", egads
  2. p. 76: "bosonic" → "baryonic", ugh, embarrassing
  3. p. 292: 5UF6235UF6
  4. p. 352: "gigaeuro" following 2.6
  5. p. 366: "strategems" → "stratagems"

1.0.6 (2024-02-01)

  1. p. 55: kill doubled period following "Precious little"
  2. p. 132: "new son" → "son-in-law"
  3. p. 248: insert "a" into "melting motherfucker's brains" (could also have just moved the apostrophe)
  4. p. 271: "eratomania" → "erotomania" (thank you Adam Nelson!)
  5. p. 272: "оказажу, де раки зимують" → "Я покажу тобі де раки зимують" (thank you Adam Nelson!)
  6. p. 306: "moderated" → "mediated"
  7. p. 316: "There's" → "There are", ugh
  8. p. 343: kill unbalanced rparen following "in the mix"

1.0.5 (2024-01-24)

  1. p. 120: "Lagrangian" → "Lagrangian's action" (thank you Julian Hess!)
  2. p. 140: drop "the" from "the 2002's gloomy winter"
  3. p. 344: drop uracil (thank you Julian Hess!)
  4. p. 376: "twenty" → "fifteen" years


  1. p. 89: The Waste Land wants italics, not quotes, dumbass
  2. p. 99: 192 KHz ought be 192 Kbps (thank you Julian Hess!)
  3. p. 155: "ever know" → "ever known"

1.0.3—madcap footnote audit!

  1. p. 7: move Gare d'Austerlitz note to p. 8
  2. p. 28: move gaudeamus igitur note to p. 29
  3. p. 35: move Auto-da-fé note to p. 36
  4. p. 99: move Fekete pestis note to p. 100
  5. p. 109: add KJV to Quonium…magnificasti note
  6. p. 114: remove obsolete baptisma per ignem note
  7. p. 121: combine CAN and SEPP notes
  8. p. 122: remove obsolete CPT note
  9. p. 126: combine LILO and Bodas de sangre notes
  10. p. 202: remove extraneous rparen on Chapman v. United States (1991)
  11. p. 219: remove obsolete DDP note
  12. p. 308: remove hyphen in "finely divided"
  13. p. 347: proper lquotes on "The New Workout Plan"
  14. p. 406: remove "most" from "most city's"
  15. p. 411: change twenty-five to fifty to match chapter 7
  16. p. 456: replace "he'll" with "i'll"


  1. p. 5: capitalize "himself"
  2. p. 140: remove "An increasingly unhappy"


  1. p. 141: capitalize "limited"
  2. p. 30: explain how Devesh is in ATL in 2005

1.0.0 (2024-01-11)

  1. p. 352: fix LaTeX for bababadalgharaghtakamminarron… one of Joyce's hundred-letter thunderwords in Finnegans Wake. it was spread across three lines, but only the first line carried a hyphen.
  2. p. 346: lust → lush
  3. p. 326: naga → nāgá Nāga/Nagi were mythical beings. nāgī: 'one with serpents' epithet of Shiva, also Āyurveda thing. nāgá (नाग) is snake.
  4. p. 319: national → natural
  5. p. 313: "decay lengthy" → "lengthy decay"
  6. p. 48: naga → atlatl no idea why i thought the Nahuatl word for serpent was naga (it's coatl)
  7. p. 5: italicize Mayflower

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